Wage Calculator using VB.Net 2010

Sunday, November 19, 2017

Wage Calculator using VB.Net 2010

Wage Calculator GUI running under Windows 7 64-bit OS
The Wage Calculator is my first program (in publish) besides from the basic Hello World Print. The program was written under VB.Net 2010 and runs at any Operating System that supports .Net Framework Architecture (Windows Operating Systems and Linux Kernel using Wine).

The program consists of two GroupBox that incorporates the input and output, respectively. The program runs simply by plugging in your annual input which produces an output of Monthly, Weekly and Daily Wage Income. The silver lining of this working principle is describe from the below's source code:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtGenerate.Click

        userwage = BxUserwage.Text
        Monthly.Text = "$" & Math.Round(userwage / 12, 2)
        Weekly.Text = "$" & Math.Round(userwage / 52, 2)
        Daily.Text = "$" & Math.Round(userwage / 365.25, 2)
        If (userwage = "0") Then
            MsgBox("Please input value higher then zero")

        End If
    End Sub

BxUserwage.Text, the Textfield input is deemed as the userwage from the described source code. Since the code is derived from the Button1_click, when the user hits the Button1 (Captioned as Calculate!). Userwage (the class dimension) derived from BxUserwage.Text is then converted to Text
"$" and the mathematical expression that divides the input to produce the output Math.Round(userwage / 12, 2)

An If Statement was also indicated which generates an Error via Message Box if the User inputs an integral value of 0:
        If (userwage = "0") Then
            MsgBox("Please input value higher then zero")

The program is free and open to Public. Download via:


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